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Health effects of Cellular Telephone Towers & Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF's) and heavy metals

Health effects of Cellular Telephone Towers & Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF's) and heavy metals

Over the years, we have been finding a number of clients affected by EMF's, and in particular by Cellular Telephone Towers.  These frequencies can have a serious impact on your Hypothalamus, a small gland at the base of your brain. The Hypothalamus sends signals to your two adrenal glands, located on top of each kidney. 

There is a belief that EMF's alone are the cause for health issues caused by the Cellular Towers.  However, we have discovered there is an additional culprit that worsens the issue.  That culprit is called heavy and light metals. 

Over the last few years we have increasingly seen higher levels of heavy and light metals in clients which affect their Hypothalamus and adrenals.  Thallium, Tungsten, Cadmium, Lithium are just a few of the main ones found in clients from today's food sources (Foods/teas/drinks, organic and non organic, some medications we have found and other consumerable items).  With heavy metals in the body, adrenal and Hypothalamus function drop, and as a result this creates more sensitibity to EMF's and Cellular Towers.   As a person continues to accumulate more heavy and or light metals in the body from contaminated foods and drinks it affects not only your sensitivity to EMF and Cellular Towers, but also continues to weaken your adrenals, nervous systems, affects your Gaba, Seratonin and 5HTP, and histamine level causing all sorts of physical, mental and emotional stress and health issues.  

Your adrenals secrete small amounts of adrenaline all day providing you with energy.  When your Hypothalamus is functioning poorly due to heavy metals in the body, say between 10 - 50 % (10% is alarmingly low), this will have a direct effect on your adrenal glands causing what is called Adrenal Fatigue.

Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue are:

  • Always tired
  • Post exertion fatigue 
  • Wake up and can't get back to sleep again 
  • Eyes light sensitive
  • Food allergies 
  • Environmental sensitivities
  • Lower back pain
  • Knee pain
  • Energetically sensitive

When your adrenals are severely depleted, you can also experience the shakes, dizziness and possibly headaches.  If you are experiencing headaches and or headpressure, there may be other reasons for this such as organic pestices, toxins, chemicals, heavy metals, and/or plastics in the body and brain.  In that case, there is likely brain inflammation causing the headaches, migraines and or other symptoms.

If you live or work in close proximity to Cellular Telephone Towers or Dirty Electricity, these symptoms will persist and get worse over time and due to unknowingly accumulating more heavy metals.  Dirty Electricity comes from older wiring that bleeds electricity into your home and/or business. It affects your Hypothalamus the same as Cellular Telephone Towers.   EMF's are a silent, unseen threat to your health.

To sum it up, the body always lets you know when it is in trouble.  Our methodology is to check each system/organ's percentage of functionality, and find the root cause for the issues and symptoms described by clients in need.  We then offer solutions to help the client clean up the body so the systems and organs can recooperate and return to a function free of the contaminants.  We live in a contaminated world today and certainly are seeing this increase in the last few years.  The cleaner the body inside the better.  The sooner you clean up the body, the better for you, your body, your wellbeing.  It is about us taking care of our vehicle in this lifetime the best way possible. 

The other key factor to mention here is to become aware and learn to muscle test all the foods/drinks and anything you consume and or even apply to your body from here on to avoid ingesting further contaminants.  Have a look at our muscle testing information on the blog.  This is something we help each person with as they chelate their systems on the journey to health, and to continue with to stay 'clean' and healthy.

See other information offered in our blog on toxins found in our food system, muscle testing, as well others related to this topic of health.
Check us out if you wish to have your own remote health assessment.